Career Quest with Emily

Friday, October 30, 2009

Dig Your Well Before You Get Thirsty!

Have you ever felt unprepared?

Well today's topic is for you. It ties into the adage, "dig your well before you get thirsty". It is all about preparing today for tomorrow!

With the current job market, it is very importnat to be prepared for a possible wrokforce reduction. Just think,who wants to be in a stage of pandemonium when it comes to finding a job? There are steps that you can take today that can help lay the groundwork. Therefore, if you find yourself in need of a job, a strong foundation is already in place and it is just a matter of tapping into it.

The show talks about techniques for the following people:

  • Students
  • Employed
  • Unemployed/Underemployed

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Assessments: Gaining Insight Into Yourself


When you go to career sites you are bound to find an offer for a free career assessment with some of the following sub headings: “Identify Your Ideal Career”, “What Career is Right for You?” There is a resounding focus on YOU identifying the perfect career for YOU.

With the current state of the economy YOU have an opportunity of a lifetime at your fingertips. YOU can do something totally different or do something that YOU always wanted to do.

Let’s explore assessments to see how they can assist YOU in identifying the direction YOU can take career wise and life in general.

Kei Dillard has joined me to discuss this topic.

Kei Dillard is a Professor and Business Consultant with Cynosure Management Solutions, an company that specializes in strategic professional development and growth of individuals and organizations.

Kei Dillard received her B.A. in Organizational Management and her M.S in Clinical Psychology from Vanguard University. She is currently working on her doctorate in Organizational Leadership.

Kei can be contacted via