Career Quest with Emily

Friday, May 15, 2009

How Relationships Can Thrive in Uncertain Times

One aspect of a person’s life that is affected by career transition is relationships. If you read or listen to any type of media the picture of the future is not rosy. With this type of bleak forecast, so many people losing jobs or concerned about losing jobs, relationships are being strained.

On the show I discuss "How Relationships Can Thrive in Uncertain Times" with John Gray Ph. D.

John Gray Ph. D. is the world’s foremost relationship and gender expert. He is the best selling relationship author of all time - is the author of 16 best-selling books including Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: one of the best-selling books of the last decade. In the past fifteen years, An expert in the field of communication, John Gray focus is to help men and women understand, respect and appreciate their differences in both personal and professional relationships.

His latest book, Why Mars & Venus Collide – which recently reached the Amazon top one hundred -reveals how men and women can improve relationships by understanding how they cope differently with stress.

John Gray has appeared on Oprah, The Today Show, CBS Morning Show, Good Morning America, The Early Show, The View, Politically Incorrect, Larry King and others. He has been profiled in Newsweek, Time, Forbes, USA Today, TV Guide, People and New Age Journal, among others.

John can be reached via

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Friday, May 1, 2009

Graduating in Turbulent Economic Times

The buzz in the media is centered on the economic issues that the nation is facing. Especially, the number of unemployed. There has also been coverage of job fairs showing people waiting for hours to enter the job fair to speak with potential employers. Now in a matter of weeks students will be graduating from college.

So what can they do in the next weeks to prepare for the impeding job market? What is the first step future college graduates can take today to prepare for the job market of the future?

Tune in when I talk to Nancy Salzman and Janice Hopkins of UCI Extension.

Nancy Salzman, Assistant Director of the Business Management and Legal Education at UC Irvine Extension.

Janice Hopkins, UCI Extension Director of Marketing & Communications.

Nancy Salzman and Janice Hopkins can be contacted by going to the UC Irvine Extension website

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